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Into the Deep registration is now closed

FIRST Tech Challenge

2024-2025 FIRST Dive 


FIRST Tech Challenge Into the Deep Logo

Beneath the ocean’s surface lies our planet’s most complex ecosystems, full of life and potential for exploration and learning, where each inhabitant has a role to play in building a thriving environment. During the 2024-2025 FIRST season, FIRST DIVE℠ presented by Qualcomm, teams will use their STEM and collaboration skills to explore life beneath the surface of the ocean. Along the way, we’ll uncover the potential in each of us to strengthen our community and innovate for a better world with healthy oceans.

Explore the Future

In the INTO THE DEEP℠ presented by RTX challenge, launching September 7, 2024, FIRST Tech Challenge teams will dive their robots into the depths of the ocean to explore the unknown and reveal its wonders. Registration is open.

Register with FIRST Inspires

Once registered, your team becomes a part of the worldwide FIRST Tech Challenge community. You’ll begin receiving communications from FIRST, along with your team number in preparation for event registration. Part of the registration process includes ordering the kit of parts and completing payment. 

Next you register with your local partner (that's us!) so your team can compete in the qualifiers for the opportunity to advance to District Championship.

FTC Team exams code in advance of a FIRST Tech Challenge match in FIRST Chesapeake

Register FIRST Chesapeake

Once you have registered with FIRST Inspires you will be able to register and ready-up with FIRST Chesapeake. Please note your team will not be assigned to an event until registration with FIRST Inspires and FIRST Chesapeake is complete.

Essential Steps To

Competing at a Qualifier

We engage young people in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

​Start Today!

Learn how to program and drive real robots using this virtual robotics platform.

Block-Based & and Text Based Java Programming

You can choose to program in FTC Blocks or On Bot Java. You can also translate their block code into text based code!